Find and Replace
Find and Replace will change all occurrences of one block of text to another within the active document. This window hovers above the active document for easy access and automatically closes when no documents are open. When the window is loaded it will prefill the "Enter the text you wish to find" box with the selected text from the active document. This window supports the non-limited shortcut keys.
Users may choose to replace all occurrences at once without any prompting or to replace one occurrence at a time via a yes or no prompt. The process may be cancelled at any time by selecting the "Cancel" button. Once the search is complete the total number of matches will be calculated and displayed.
User may limit the replacement process by selecting from the Whole Word, Match Case, and Replace within selected range options. When the "Replace within selected range" option is selected the "Enter the text you wish to find" box is cleared. The fastest way to achieve results during a typical selected range find and replace is: